Below is a quick survey of various medical and legal malpractice cases and issues around the country.
Wrongful Death Beneficiaries Claiming Ongoing Loss of Companionship of Decedent Need Not ...
This was a medical malpractice wrongful death case. ... The trial court ordered the plaintiffs to disclose the medical records, reasoning that the ...
Insurers and States Move to Lower Malpractice Premiums; More
As the health crisis continues, efforts have been made to lessen the burden of medical malpractice premiums on doctors and other healthcare ...
Push to Expand Doctors' Legal Immunity During Crisis Draws Ire
The initial concern was being held liable for medical malpractice while trying to care for a surge of Covid-19 patients with limited equipment, but ...
New York State Court Compels Remote Depositions
In an apparent shift towards remote depositions, the medical malpractice decision indicates that New York state courts may interpret their authority over ...
Divided COA panel finds for woman wrongly told hepatitis test was negative
Two of three judges found a clinic fraudulently concealed the woman's positive test result. The appellate court ruling reinstates the medical malpractice ...
How many clinics have to close? Iowa still needs limits on malpractice awards
Medical practices in Iowa are struggling. By now you've likely heard the stories of how the COVID-19 pandemic has already cost our state's health ...
YIKES! 2 Lawyers Accused of Accidentally Helping Opposing Counsel Sign Up More Plaintiffs to ...
In the new legal malpractice litigation, New Tech seeks to recover $180,000 it paid the lawyers, plus the money it spent on new lawyers who it said ...
"Please" Is Not a Material Condition of an Insurance Policy's Notice of Claim Provision
4, 2020) (not for publication), a lawyer sued for legal malpractice had a claims-made professional liability policy with the following notice provision: ...
Lawyer who told client 'I'm done' faces $300K malpractice ruling
One report at the legal malpractice trial had Masellis' share at $1.62 million and another had it at $1.49 million. A jury found Jensen's mishandling of ...
Their lawyer ignored them for three years and their $2.8M legal malpractice verdict keeps shrinking
... they met with Jack Parsons, the other general partner at Parsons Law Firm. He offered to settle legal malpractice claims against Tadd for $50,000.